Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Fly SOUTH!!!!!!

I finally got over with stomach flu and now am fighting colds!!! GRRRR!!!! I'm all packed and ready to go to Florida tomorrow night. My DH's whole family will fly down to spend with DH's brother and sister-in-law. They brought the land last spring. The house was supposed to be completed by October 1st but was put off due to four hurriances. The house is ready for them to move in LAST NIGHT!!! I can imagine how stressful they are to get ready for the whole family staying in their new house for the holidays!

I'm really excited about knitting in the plane. I decided to bring one "WIP" sweater and plan to knit socks. Thanks to my SP2 - Jackie for the beautiful yarn and pattern for the sock. I always want to learn how to knit sock so I am going to do it during my holiday break. I packed several yarns, needles and patterns just in case!!!

Cross my finger for getting a new digital camera for X-mas!!! Santa, I'm really GOOD girl!

I certainly hope that you all will have a wonderful holidays!!!!!!

Ho ho ho!

Sunday, December 19, 2004


I'm sick with the flu since last Friday. Lousy timing!!! Damn fever!!! I feel so stressed as I am not prepared for training all day tomorrow and not able to finish the knitting project for Xmas!! Hope I will feel better just in time before my DH and I go Florida for the holidays on Thursday.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I'm BACK again but.....

No fun to figure out how to post the pictures in blog!!! I feel soooooo DUMB trying to understand the computer languages!!!!! I contacted someone to give me the instruction but the technican gave me toooo complex instructions for me to understand. Sighs!! NO help!!! My DH will figure out with my blogger this weekend. I really want to post the picture of my DH because his birthday is TOMORROW!!!! Oh well.... no pictures!!! But I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my DH!!! We will go out to his FAVORITE restaurant - Houston's tomorrow night. I'm really proud of him as he looks GREAT for his age.

Update knitting notes -I made pretty good progress on my WIPs -
  • Audrey - 95% completed (I'm afraid that it may not fit me good -cuz of my boobies!!)
  • Classic cardigan for my DH - 60% completed - almost done with first sleeve and plan to work on second sleeve by this weekend

I knitted four scarves in last two weeks - mostly for X-mas gifts! I promise to take some pictures to show you.

School is almost out.... the residents will be checking out this Saturday and I will have four days of work next week before we fly to Florida for the winter break.

Cross my fingers to post up some pictures this weekend!!!!

Thursday, December 02, 2004


I hate when I could not figure out how to download the pictures!!!! Jeezzz. I feel like throwing my laptop out of window!!!!

Help me!!!
