Sunday, January 27, 2008


I'm so brave to make FRENCH meat pie!!!!

Traditionally, my family had meat pies on every Thansgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year Day. I grew up loving to eat meat pies. I never made my own meat pie although my mother gave me the recipe when I got married almost 19 years ago. Ever since, I was so scared of making one (or am afraid to make it that may taste blah!!!!)

When I got married, my hubby never heard of meat pie and I always brag about the world best meat pie my mother made. When we were in my parents' house for the holiday, I encouraged him to try it. He was relucant at first but tried to taste it. He was surprised that he really likes it. He told me that he was looking forward to eat my mother's pies. I didn't have any guts to make ones although the recipe looks so simple to make ones.

Every time my parents come down to Maryland for visit, I begged my mom to make several pies. She is so sweetheart that she was so happy making several pies for us. I never get chance to make more after my parents left.

Ever since Christmas Day, I dreamed and craved for the meat pies!!! I could not find the recipe and contacted my mom to email me the recipe few weeks ago. This morning, I decided to go to grocery and brought some items to make the meat pies. I spent all afternoon cooking the meat. My hubby told me that he remembered the strong smell from the kitchen that my mother made and could not wait to taste it. I'm really so proud that the meat pies came out perfectly!!! Craig ate three pieces and gave me a BIG thumb up!!! I'm going to save last piece of pie for lunch tomorrow. I put the last whole pie in the freeze till Valentine's Day. I'm so proud and I bet my family are proud of me!!!

Now, I know I'm not scared of making meat pies anymore!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Long time no post!

I was stuck on campus resuming on call duty for one week two weeks ago and got very busy at work last week. The internet was down when I was staying in the dorm for a week. I was so happy that I spent every nights knitting Central Park Hoodie while watching Lost One and Two DVD. I was so happy to take last Friday off from work for a long weekend but I knitted very little because I was battling with sinus headaches. I started working on two secret projects. These projects will not reveal till this coming Christmas. No kidding but I have to start something since I joined the 12 months till Christmas group.

I'm sick for last two days with very bad sinus infections/head colds. I didn't knit for last two days but spent all afternoon today uploading some pictures of finished projects for Ravelry. I hope to take some pictures of stash this weekend. I'm not good in organizing with pictures on my laptop but I'm learning to organize it better.

I'm done with pieces of Central Park Hoodie and am waiting for the pieces to dry up before I seam the shoulders before completing the hood part. Seems that I have trouble with downloading some pictures. I will try it again tomorrow.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mother!!!!

My sister, Kimbo from Boston, my DH, Craig and I wish to say "Happy Birthday, Mother!!" Today is our mother's birthday but we are so far away from her. How we wish we could join our dad in sharing her birthday.

We can't help but we feel how happy we are that you are in our life, and how lucky we are to have you our mother. Happy Birthday, Mother!!!! Hugs from Kimbo, Craig and me!!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Projects for 2008

I got back to work after a long blissful week off. Not many people show up at work but it was nice for me to catch up all the emails, mail and reorganized my files.

As I looked back the year of 2007, it was an unproductive knitting year for me. I didn't accomplish many projects as I was hoping for. Sadly, I knitted only 2.5 pairs of sock and the second one is still waiting for me to finish in 2007!

By the numbers, 2007's knitting from me yielded:
2.5 pairs of sock
3 sweaters
2 calorimetry hat
1 fingerless glove
1 baby hat
1 baby cardigan
2 scarves

Now, I'm so determined to have a great knitting year! I'v decided to join the Burnin' Up the Stash group and Twelve Month till Christmas group and hope to get inspiration by ravelry members to use up my stash for myself and gifts for my friends/family. I do have some ideas what to knit for my family. Cross my fingers that I will accomplish them this year!!

Here is my current knitting progress....
I spent my vacation time knitting Central Park Hoodie jacket. I finished the back and two front pieces. I'm on sleeves island now.

I use Jo Sharp Silkwood Aran Tweed yarn - Espresso. I got the yarn for good prices through the yarn swap as soon as I finished knitting the green vest. I really love the yarn so much. So soft!

Now, I'm going to knit the sleeves and watch "LOST - The Complete First Season" dvd now.
Happy Knitting and stay WARM!! It's freezing outside now.... Brrrr!!!!!!
